
Social Progression in Media

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In today's world we have grown accustomed to seeing what the media puts out and thinking nothing of it. For example commercials are something we see every day and people within the media have figured out ways to put subliminal messages about things like sexism racism and things of that nature to attract certain costumers or viewers. We take for granted the knowledge of the media and the people in charge such as CEO's in their knowledge of what works and doesn't work for certain people. Within this essay I will give several examples of how sexism, racism, heterosexism is still seen in the news industry, in entertainment, and in jobs. My first example that can be seen easily in everyday life is the way women are portrayed in movies and television. In almost every movie women are asked to expose themselves and basically reveal almost every part of them. In an article called "Sexually degrading music videos and lyrics: Their effects on males' aggression and endorsement of rape myths and sexual stereotypes  they show how woman are negatively projected within music videos and how it makes males more aggressive towards women(Spankle E. L., 2012). The article came to show the overall concern of the harmful effects that the media and corporations that allow this to go on television are giving to those who watch things of this nature along with movies where sex and women are portrayed negatively. (Spankle E. L., 2012) There are several actresses who have actually been given a hard time about getting a role because of not wanting to do things of that nature and overall having respect for themselves. Two very well-known actresses have come to realize these sexist statements and acts and stood up for themselves. Both Anne Hathaway and Scarlett Johanson made a stand after doing movies Batman and The Avengers in which they stood strong in a male dominated cast. They took a stand after several interviewers persisted in asking the male actors interesting questions about their roles while asking them silly questions about what they ate while dieting and how they felt about being in their costume.(Lewis A., 2012) First of all asking act

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