
Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby

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In Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby , a traumatizing summer leads Nick Carraway to becoming an alcoholic. In the beginning of the movie, Nick is seated in a room discussing his bothersome summer with a therapist. One of the characteristics Nick uses to describe himself post-New York to the therapist is a "raging alcoholic . Although Nick believes this stage started after Gatsby's death, Luhrmann hints at it starting much earlier on. Upon Nick's arrival in New York, he goes into town with Tom and Myrtle to the apartment that Tom bought solely for having an affair. Although Nick tells his therapist at the beginning of the movie that he became an alcoholic after the death of Gatsby, I believe that it was well before Gatsby's death that Nick became addicted to booze. That afternoon is when Nick becomes an alcoholic, and Luhrmann wonderfully hints at this through the playing of Flux Pavilion's "I Can't Stop  in the background. Including that afternoon in Tom's apartment, Nick "had been drunk just twice in his life . Upon lifting the glass and taking a drink, Nick's face lights up with joy, as he proves to greatly enjoy the feeling he's only felt one other time in his life. That afternoon was only the beginning of a long string of drunken nights in New York, as the summer had only just begun, and the parties only being held more often as the summer goes on. Luhrmann's choice of playing "I Can't Stop  in the background of this scene was no mistake; He used it to symbolize Nick's inner feeling of literally not being able to stop. This drink wasn't one marking the start of a fun afternoon that would be over by that night; it marked the beginning of a long summer filled with over-drinking. The buzz he received wasn't that of the drink, but rather the vibe of the city. Nick fell in love with the city and the people, but along with them came the drinking. Nick consistently got drunk probably every weekend that summer at Gatsby's partie

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