An empty bedroom is like a blank canvas and the person who inhabits the bedroom is the artist. This artist sets up their room according to their unique likes, style, and personality. Everything in their room helps define the artist as a person. You could learn so much about a person by just taking a look inside of their room. You can easily tell which door leads to my bedroom because if the way it looks. Its not your average, ordinary door. Its special. My door is white with violet polka dots all over it. It has my name smack in the middle with bright, bold, sparkly purple letters. Beneath my name is a small collage of pictures of me with my family and friends , followed by one of my favorite quotes "It is not what we have but who we have in our lives that counts. . Once opening the door, you catch a quick glimpse of my violet and white striped room. Each wall is different. The wall behind my bed is violet with 2 white stripes, one thick stripe and one skinnier stripe on top of it. The wall opposite to it is the same. The wall right next to it is white with stripes just like the one next to it except the stripes are violet. Right after entering my room, to your left you will find my bathroom. The first thing that you notice when entering my bathroom is that its a dark purple color. To the left you will see my a big oval mirror above my sink. My sink has a lavender toothbrush and soap container on top of it, to the left of my sink is a white cabinet in which I keep all of my face wash and other hygiene products. To the right of the sink is my lavender covered toilet. On top of the toilet cap thing are dark purple, scented candles on top of a small, silky lavender cloth. Above the toilet is a towel rack that holds 3 dark purple towels. To the right of the toilet is my bath. My bath has , you guessed it, a dark purple shower curtain with white polka dots on it. Inside my bath, I have my shampoo, body wash and purple loofa rack. Getting out if the bath, to the right you will see 3 pictures of Daisies, all different sizes. 1 big , 1 medium and 1 small in that order. On the bathroom door I have a little a hanger that holds up my violet colored bathroom robe. On the floor I have 3 fluffy rugs, also a dark purple color. There is a small one under the sink, another one under the toilet, and a longer one under the bath. Once exiting the bathroom, to your left you will see my t.v cabinet. I have a 32 black plasma t.v, this was a birthday present given to me on my 15th birthday. The cabinet that holds the t.v is white. Inside the cabinet there is a VCR/DVD player. To the right of the VCR/DVD player is my Wii console. This was a Christmas present given to me and my younger sister in 2009. Back then me and my sister used to use to play games but as the years go by mostly just use it to watch movies and shows on Netflix. To the left of the VCR/DVD player there are two compartments. A higher and a lower compartment. On the higher compartment there are my DVD movies and some of my old Wii games. The lower compartment contains my VCR movies. Above my t.v and the cabinet are four colored cubes that hang on the wall. The cubes have an opening in the middle which allows them to hold stuff in the middle of them. Two of the cubes are purple and the two there cubes are white. On the wall they are arranged a certain way. One white cube is placed at a slightly high level, a purple cube is next to it but below it. The other white cube is placed above the previous purple one and it is about the same height as the first white cube. The last purple cube is placed under the last white cube. Inside of the first cube I put a small purple pot with fake daisies on it to add a plant to the room even if it was fake. Inside the second cube I put five books. Those four books are my al time favorite books written by my favorite author, John Green. The books are "Looking for Alaska , "The Fault in Our Stars , "An Abundance of Katherines , "Paper Towns , and "Will Grayson, Will Grayson . Inside the third cube I put three scented candles, two small purple candles and one medium sized white candle. The small purple candles have a lavender scent and the medium sized candle has a vanilla bean scent. The candles are arranged in the order of; purple, white, purple. Inside of the fourth and last cube I placed two small teddy bears given to me by my best friend on valentines day. To the left of t.v cabinet is my closet. I have a four door white closet. Each closet door has a princess mirror in the middle. The border of each of the mirrors are violet. On th