According to ancient tradition, Siddhartha's mother (Queen Maya) had a dream about a beautiful, white elephant coming down into her womb. This was interpreted as a sign that a universal emperor/the Buddha was going to be born. Queen Maya gave a painless birth to the Buddha, who immediately walked and talked. Immediately upon his birth, he stood up and took seven steps, each step he took on the earth, lotuses sprang up. Raising his hand, he said, "Worlds above, worlds below, there's no one in the world like me . The Buddha was also born with a wheel on his foot. This signified great importance. This is an essential feature of the Buddha's life as we understand that Siddhartha's birth was like no other, it was unique, as was Siddhartha himself. From this unusual dream and birth, we understand how rare an occasion this was. Another key feature of the Life of Buddha is that his father raised Siddhartha in opulence. Siddhartha was raised in a palace, oblivious to human hardship and any knowledge of religion. This is a key feature of his life because he had never known suffering. Therefore, once suffering became eventually revealed to Siddhartha, it was much more significant to him. Siddhartha's father (King Åšuddhodana) was King of an Indian tribe called the Shakyas. His aim was for Siddhartha to become a Universal Monarch. To ensure Siddhartha took the right path in life, Åšuddhodana surrounded the palace with a triple enclosure and guard. He proclaimed that the words "grief and "death were forbidden. It was not until Siddhartha reached his late twenties, with very little experience/knowledge of the world outside of his opulent palace, Siddhartha ventured out into reality from his luxurious life. It is significant that Siddhartha was this age before he was quickly confronted with the reality of human frailty because it caused him to feel more shock than ever before. His late knowledge in knowing the truth caused a wave of quest