
Altruism, Positive Psychology, Stress and Lifespan

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?Abstract This literature reviews the negative effects from stress on the body. It reviews how one can prevent further illness or a shortened lifespan as a result of the stress. How it is beneficial to one’s health to possess altruistic and positive psychological characteristics is reviewed as well. Studies show a positive correlation between these characteristics and a longer lifespan. In conclusion, I found that altruism and positive psychology should be practiced regularly as it is correlated with a longer lifespan and happier lifestyle. Many scientists have conducted studies that have shown that stress has a negative effect on our health, and in some cases can shorten our lifespan. According to Essentials of Psychology the study between psychology and physical health is called health psychology (Nevid, 2014). Also according to this author we characterize healthy forms of stress as good stress which helps us to remain active, alert, and energized. However, when stress increases to a point that it taxes our ability to cope we experience an unpleasant state of physical pain, mental pain or suffering, known as distress (Nevid, 2014). As studies have shown for many years, negative stress can have quite an impact on one’s health. Distress can cause psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, anger, and irritability. In addition, some physical health problems caused by stress can be headache, fatigue, upset stomach, and even cardiovascular disorders (Nevid, 2014). This literature review considers whether altruism has the ability with positive psychology to reverse the negative effects of stress, resulting in a longer lifespan by responding to the following questions: How does stress effect health? How does one prevent illness by coping with stress? What health benefits can positive psychology and altruism have on people suffering from stress? How Does Stress Effect Health? There are many effects that stress can have on the body. According to the American Psychological Association some major effects would include the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous system, and the male reproductive system as well as the female reproductive system (Stress). Stress is a natural reaction, the sympathetic nervous system kicks your body into gear when it’s faced with danger (How APA). Some people who confront multiple challenges everyday may face the problem of their “fight-or-flight” response being stuck in the on position which could have serious consequences for their health according to the American Psychological Association (How APA). Major acute stress often causes arrhythmias, hearth attacks, or sudden death, which is usually triggered by sudden emotional stress – especially anger, although it’s usually people who already have heart disease that are unaware until they have a heart attack or worse (How APA How). Cause of disease can occasionally come from how one copes with their stress by developing bad habits such as overeating or smoking (How APA). After having forms of chronic stress such as depression and low levels of social support, stress can make it harder to recover from things such as cardiovascular problems (How APA). The general adaptation syndrome, according to Essentials of Psychology is how the body responds to stress. It consists of three stages: the first is the alarm stage, second is the resistance stage, and finally exhaustion stage is last (Nevid, 2014). If the stressor persists the body may enter the exhaustion stage, where it can become seriously depleted and develop “diseases of adaptation” – stress related diseases such as kidney disease, heart disease, allergic conditions, digestive disorders, and depression (Nevid, 2014). Chronic stress can increase the levels of a chemical called interle

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