Like every family, my family has always had ups and downs, happiness and sorrow. My family has always been united and a whole. Unlike other unfortunate children, my parents are together and have always shown my siblings and I appreciation. My parents have always been very traditional and have taught us manners and how to be talented and educated children. But most importantly, theyve taught us that family always comes first over anything. A day after my fourteenth birthday, my family and I were getting ready to go to Mexico for winter break. We were all excited to finally go to Mexico and be with our family members for the holidays. However, the mood in my house changed in an instant. My mom has always been home and there for us when we need her. She has always been less strict and firm than my dad, but she still demands respect. Both my mom and dad have given us full trust in return for our respect and behavior. But at that moment, my eldest sister forgot everything theyd taught us. My eldest sister was twenty-one at the time. She went to Cal State Fullerton, was in her last year of college, and was said to be a mature adult. However, my parents found out that she was lying to them. I remember the date being December 19 when the truth was revealed. After months of lies, my parents found out that my sister was going out with a man who would bring no benefits into her life. The man she was seeing had no education above high school, was divorced, and had a daughter. The problem was that back in May my parents had already prohibited her from seeing him anymore. She apologized to my parents and promised that she would end her relationship. Seven months passed by and apparently she didnt. For my parents, sister, and I, her lie was a major offense because weve always been there for each other, no matter what. Part of the problem was the guy she was seeing, but what really felt like a betrayal was that she threw away all the trust we had as