
Global Warming - A Threat to Humanity

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Global warming is the increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature due to the increase of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour and ozone, which causes disasters like flooding, changing sea levels, rain patterns and habitat destruction. This is due to human activities that contribute to the increase in global warming every year like deforestation, burning fossil fuels, pollution due to carelessness and nuclear weapons and wastes. As a result of carelessness, global warming became one of the major threats to humanity, resulting in many disasters on earth which causes a change in human and animal habitats and will severely affect our food, moreover it will increase diseases and death rate around the globe. Global warming is one of the main causes of human deaths every year as the increase in the climate’s temperature, caused by human factors such as burning fossil fuels, pollution of factories and carbon dioxide emission by cars, increases disasters around the globe which kill many humans and destroy many of our habitats. This increase in temperature and humidity is the main cause of deaths by heatstroke across the globe but mainly in Europe and America. Other health issues due to global warming, maybe the fast spread of diseases such as malaria that is transmitted by mosquitos that grow more in warm temperatures. Furthermore, World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the warming and precipitation trends (rain pattern, floods) due to anthropogenic (caused by humans) climate change of the past 30 years already kills over 150,000 lives annually. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 8015 heat related deaths in the United States between 1979 and 1999. A total of 3829 (48%) were due to weather conditions, and 3809 (48%) were of unspecified origin. In addition, there was a heat wave that affected Europe during the summer of 2003 that led to 22,000 to 45,000 excess deaths (de Souza and Alexandre Leite, 2008). Besides, death by heatstroke due to global warming, increase in temperature contributes in the increase of natural disasters

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