Do American’s even know why they don't like illegal immigration? Are Americans just going on what other people say about illegal immigration. Do people look at the facts and numbers on illegal immigration, and then take an educated position on the matter of legal versus illegal immigration. For many Americans there is a belief or idea that illegal immigrants entering the U.S. do nothing more than cause problems such as over populate the country and take jobs from American workers, and take advantage of our healthcare system. However, there is enough factual evidence to show that Americans need to move past the paradigm “Illegal immigrants bad; legal immigrants, good”. Reason being is because illegal immigration can be a positive thing for a country in several ways. “Everybody will say that they're not opposed to immigration; they're opposed to illegal immigration. That's what I'm saying”. This was a quote taken from an American citizen on illegal immigration. They’re opposed to illegal immigration, why? Thats my question to Sam Brownback the person who made this statement. Are you saying this because you are intimidated by illegal immigration? Are you saying this because all you do is listen to the negative hysteria around illegal immigration? From an economic stand point there are several positive contributions that illegal immigration gives to the U.S. economy. A menial job, a low and sometimes degrading job, yet when an undocumented immigrant can find one they take it with no questions asked. This is how many illegal immigrants look at menial jobs, according to THE HILL, a government based news paper it states that according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “About half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized”. “Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, ‘Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent’ and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Thus showing that illegal immigrants can indeed help the economy, while agriculture work may be an undesired menial job it still pays. Menial U.S. jobs taken by immigrants have a great impact on the economy, however with more and more undocumented immigrants coming into the country it can bring concern. The concern, with more workers brings lower wage rates which in fact is not true, native born and illegal immigrants have different skill sets. Therefore they seek different different jobs, from here a businesses can expand with an increased labor supply as a result of immigration. With an expanding business it becomes easily absorbed into the labor marketing resulting in increased demand for labor without lowering wages for native borns. In other words with native born and undocumented seeking different jobs it gives menial business a work force to expand and make more money