The plant of marijuana has brought great concern to the homes and government of the United States. The controversy of whether or not it should be legal has been haunting the US for many of years. Although there are plenty of bad aspects to marijuana, there are even positives to it that should not go unnoticed by the United States. A quote by Carl Sagan states “The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.” (Carl Sagan). To many marijuana users, this is just one of the myriads of reasons it should be legalized. The medical benefits of proper medical marijuana use save manifolds of lives every year, legalizing Marijuana would bring prominence to the United States from the decrease in marijuana related crimes, and the U.S. economy would net trillions of dollars every year off of the taxes that would be put on Marijuana. Initially, most people living in the United States have at least an idea of what the popular drug of marijuana is. The drug comes from a plant called cannabis and has been used for centuries with many medical benefits. The first record of marijuana use was a Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727. The Romans and Greeks also became familiar with the plant in these times and it was used as a medication to many of their illnesses. What creates the psychoactivity when someone uses marijuana is the component of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, while the part that can calm the body, stop seizures, help fight insomnia and a myriad of other illnesses is called CBD or cannabidiol(“Cannabis History”). The remarkable thing about this plant, similar to many others is that the strains can be manipulated and crossbreeded to have different effects on the human brain. In one particular story there was a couple Matt and Paige Figi living in Colorado. They had a 2 year old son when they had decided to try for another. They ended up having twins, a boy named Chase and a girl named Charlotte. At around three months old Charlotte had her first seizure(Young). It had lasted 30 minutes and after the hospital doing all the tests they could, they found nothing and sent the family home. They had assumed that it was a random seizure and would not happen again. A week later, she had another longer, and more violent seizure. These continued over the next few months and they often lasted from two to four hours(Young). Baby Charlotte was constantly being hospitalized, but the doctors believed it was something she would grow out of, and they could not cure her. They continued, but they had not noticed any decline in her brain function until she was two. She then went to a neurologist and found out she had Dravet Syndrome which is seizures that cannot be controlled by medication(Young). They tried different diets and procedures but more behavioral problems became apparent and th