
Becoming a Police Officer

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As a future Chicago police officer sociological imagination definitely gives you a better sense of what is going on around you and helps you better understand the people in which you are helping. Knowing what the individual is going through and what they may have experienced in their past helps shape them as human beings. My intentions are to hopefully one-day get onto a drug unit in some of the harshest areas of Chicago. The job calls on a lot more then one officer may see throughout his career. So with a grasp on sociological imagination, I believe that it will lead me to better understand whom it is I am helping and to better assess what is truly going on around me. With a hold on sociological imagination and everything that is coming up about officers abusing those that they are helping, I believe that having an understanding about the past and now will lead me to being a better officer. Sociology 2000 has been quite eye opening for me in many ways. First off all that the department that I have chosen has to offer. Whether it is resume building, studying abroad, and so many other clubs and events that are held to being a well-rounded student. Secondly I wish that I had taken the class last year to truly get a grasp of how things are meant to run smoothly in a class schedule. And most off is that all of my teachers around me are a person just like I am. It is interesting knowing my professors on a more relaxed side. My favorite part also is also when my favorite speaker came in to talk. My favorite speaker was the police officer. I have worked along side many police departments in the past with underage liquor buys and being a police cadet. Hearing all the stories and pointers that officers have to offer is truly an amazing experience in its self. It is actually what landed me as a sociology major. Hearing that particular officer speak about what patrolling around this area is interested me beyond belief. The officers I rode with in

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