In 1931, Wiemar Germany was awarded hosting duties for the 1936 winter and summer Olympic Games. However by 1933 the Nazi party had seized political power and it became the responsibility of the new regime to host the Olympics. Initially there was reluctance within the Nazi camp as many saw the Olympics as a movement committed to world peace, international understanding and pacifism. These views clashed with Nazi ideals and led Hitler to denounce the games as a "plot of free masons and Jews . However after January, 1933 Hitler and his staff came to the conclusion that the games could be used from a propaganda stand point projecting the image of a strong and healthy Germany. Hitler would also use the games as a distraction from Germany's on-going military aggression's and racial intolerance. By the end of the Olympics in 1936 Hitler had managed to strengthen his political regime at home while buying Germany time with the western powers. The purpose of this paper is to shed a light on the on the 1936 Olympic Games. In particular the paper will focus on the Nazi's personal gain from hosting the Olympics both from a propaganda and political standpoint. In order to present Germany as a world power Hitler expected his athletes to excel in the 1936 games. Germany looked to another ancient culture the ancient Greeks and borrowed their ideological idea that athletics played a huge role in dynamism. Germany felt that in order for their new super race to receive the credence it deserved people must see how dominate they could be on a world stage. However it was clear that lessons had to be learned as Germany had performed poorly during the previous Olympics held in LA. Germany sent a contingent of 82 athletes to the LA Games. The entire medals haul for the German team consisted of, 3 gold's, 15 silvers and 5 bronzes. This resulted in the Germany finishing 9th in the final medal total. To put this into perspective the United States the top medal getter at the games finished with a total of 103 medals to Germany's 23. To change their Olympic fate the Nazi's developed a number of programs committed to bolstering their medal count in 1936. The SA and SS staged a number of competitions to identify gifted athletes within their ranks. These programs were shown extra attention as they consisted of athletes that fit Hitler's Aryan ideal. Outside of Hitler's military organizations similar competitions were set up by the newly appointed ˜Olympic Inspector' Christian Busch. These contests looked to find superb athletes at various club levels across the German homeland. German organizers also dedicated resources, albeit not nearly as many, to the search for credible female athletes. Even though Nazi doctrine regarded the proper place for women to be in the home, the Nazi's couldn't ignore the fact that they too were potential medal getters. Upon entry into the German Reich Sport Program athletes were provided with access to the best training facilities, coaching and even controversial medical treatments. Each athlete was also given an ˜Olympic Passport' entitling them to free travel, food, housing, medical treatment and compensation for lost wages. The Nazi regime realized that in order to compete with power houses like the United States and Italy their participants must become full time athletes. Thus from the year's 1934 “ 1936 many of the Germans Olympic hopefuls trained full time in their disciplines in order to be conditioned for the games. As a result of the programs Germany sent a record setting 348 athletes to the 1936 Summer Olympics. More importantly the German team finished first in the medal count with 33 gold, 26 silver and 30 bronze for a total of 89 medals. In contrast the second place United States had a total of 56 medals. Upon completion of the games the Germans unleashed an orgy of self-congratulations. The German press went wild with praise for the German state. Above all one man in particular was credited with turning around the Germans Olympic fate, Hitler. The Nazi propaganda machine went into full overdrive making sure Hitler was seen as the man who had facilitated Germany's triumphs during the games. While Hitler received all the glory the fact is that the 1936 games would never have been held in Germany without Carl Diem. Diem along with Dr. Theodor Lewald were the two most significant peoples in convincing the Nazi regime to go ahead with the games. When the Nazi's took power in 1933 the regime was standoffish to the idea of hosting the games. However Diem and Lewald we're able to convince Nazi Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels that the games presented an unprecedented propaganda opportunity for the Germans. It was on Goebbels appeals to Hitler that the games finally received the Nazi party's full support. This included enormous financial backing and the full support of Goebbels and the