
Global Prejudices and Racism

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On December 7,1941, the Japanese Navy attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. After this event, many Japanese-Americans were discriminated upon and many Japanese immigrants were targeted upon by the United States Government to be reviewed who could be “potentially dangerous.” In addition, many rights were being taken away from Japanese Americans. For example, United States Congress had decided to cut Japanese immigration and by 1924, the United States government banned mostly all immigration from Japan. As a result of this, one can see that the lives of most Japanese Americans were beginning to become much more difficult socially because of one act of terror that had occurred by a minority of people. Similarly, another event in history like this occurred in early the 2000’s. On September 11, 2001 chaos broke through New York City after the tragic event of the World Trade Center’s collapsing when two airplanes had struck. News Media went viral on this event within minutes and released headlines explaining there were four coordinated terrorist attacks done by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Once this terrorist group was known to be an “Islamic” terrorist group, this marked the beginning of the struggle for many in the Muslim community to fight against discrimination from others. There is nothing Islamic about Al-Qaeda and clearly states in the Holy Quran that killing another human being is like killing all of Humanity. Racism towards the Muslim community was occurring through the nation and Media was beginning to denounce the religion of Islam and many began to question whether the religion of Islam promoted violence or not. As a result, this caused many in the Muslim community to protest and engage in political and religious debates to prove to society that the religion of Islam is a peaceful religion and does not promote violence. In this society today, many innocent Muslims are discriminated upon whether it’s the color of their skin, if a person decided to wear a headscarf, whether there name is a Muslim name, or any other characteristic. Due to an extreme action done by a minority of people who tend to call themselves “Muslims” have now done such a violent act, many now label Muslims as terrorists and denounce the religion of Islam. In both the 9/11 attacks and the attack on Pearl Harbor, we see there is a big similarity between the two. After these events had occurred, there was a sense of racial discrimination that started to progress within these two communities. In order to understand how this racial discrimination had progressed within these two communities, one must understand how the event actually happened, what the motivations of the attacks were, and how it affects our society today. This paper will explore these criteria and compare both. The framework that will be used around the Pearl Harbor issue will be the Muslim Community. In order to understand how racial discrimination had progressed within the Japanese community, one must understand how the event actually happened. On December 7, 1941 the Japanese navy had attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. According to the article “Pearl Harbor-December 7, 1941-A Date That Will Live in Infamy” by Jennifer Rosenberg, she states “The Japanese were tired of negotiations with the United States. They wanted to continue their expansion within Asia but the United States had placed an extremely restrictive embargo on Japan in the hopes of curbing Japan’s aggression. Rather than giving in to U.S demands, the Japanese decided to launch a surprise attack against the United States in an attempt to destroy the United States ‘naval power even before an official announcement of war was given” (Rosenberg). In this quote, it is explaining the reason why the Japanese attacked the United States. From the quote we can assume that the Japanese attacked the United States because they had placed a restrictive embargo on Japan so that Japan could not be supplied with raw materials. The fight to negotiate resources and trade with Japan had failed which had contributed

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