Idealism and Realism are both models of analysis based on Professor Devico lectured notes in the course intro to political science. These critical analyses have been stemmed over and studied by historical philosophers such as Plato and Thomas Hobbes. Idealism and Realism are distinctive models that analyze a state’s internal and external affairs. Individual often have a misinterpreted connotation of the analysis of Realism and believe it promotes violence and destruction. Idealism and Realism are “practical, real and they both promote peace.” Important factors to remember when understanding the basic principles of idealism and realism are that they promote peace and try to secure sovereignty within the state. The following paper will discuss and explain the two models of analysis separately and then they will be applied to two Ministers with proposals to solve a hypothetical scenario. Idealism, one of the two models of analysis studied in intro to political science, bases the state’s proper conduct in international affairs while acknowledging the human capacity to reason and engage in peaceful, harmonious, and cooperative behavior. “Idealism proposes that governments should pursue ethical principles when making foreign policy decision.” Idealism’s policy implication promotes humanitarian values like peace, justice, democracy, human rights and humanitarian aid. Idealism policy also promotes cooperative and beneficial to all solution through development of International agreements International law and International norms to reduce international conflict. Idealism also promotes cooperative solutions either through international organization such as the League of Nations and the United Nations (UN) or nongovernmental organizations such as Amnesty International. Idealists believe that humans are not intrinsically or naturally prone to violence and destructive behavior, so governments shouldn’t always assume the worst of human behavior. Idealists believe that human nature is naturally capable of reason and peaceful interaction. According to idealist governments should promote free trade and promote the sharing of resources with each other instead of making enemies and running the risk of being attacked by a foreign country. In an idealistic view, if governments want to maximize their power they should seek cooperative agreements with other states instead of going to war, which brings high costs to nations and can jeopardize a state. They also tend to stress the importance of “human security”, by maintaining peace and reducing the manufacturing of weapons governments can spend less on the military and more on programs that improve the quality of life. By reducing military cost, governments can expand on educational opportunities, policies to improve health care, and broaden jobs. The Iroquois League, lasting from around the 1450’s until 1777’s, is a historical example of idealist principles. The League was a federation created by the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora. The Iroquois League had purpose of maintaining peace among the nations, which, before the formation of the league, had fought one another in numerous wars. The tribes settled their differences and worked accordingly to follow principles that w