
Constructive Speech - Sports Organizations

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Are sports organizations taking away from your local communities by being given subsidies? I negate the resolution which states resolved: On balance, public subsidies for professional athletic organizations in the United States do not benefit their local communities. Athletic organizations are any group dealing with athletic departments like the NFL or your local sports associations. A Subsidy is a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like. Taxpayers are citizens who pay taxes. Taxes are a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc. Athletic organization subsidies diminish local communities by using money from our paid taxes that should be spent on local resources like public buildings. Subsidies use money from taxes that the citizens pay. If we waste tax money on things like stadiums or equipment for athletic organizations then we have less money for public resources like hospitals and parks. The organizations make enough of their own money to use. My source shows that athletic organizations don’t contribute enough of their own money and would rather have the subsidies pay for the majority of the cost. NFL teams use subsidies to pay for the majority of the final cost for their things. “What's truly remarkable about the Bears' $200 million contribution is that less than $30 million will come directly from the team's owners.” By receiving subsidies that use tax money local communities have less leftover for their public buildings and resources. If we have less money for our community we won’t be able to afford the nice things we want or our necessary things. Athletic organizations take money away from the community when they are given a subsidy when they have enough of their own. Athletic organizations make more than enough money to pay for their things and ta

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