
Finding Our Identity

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Identity is something that can is created by one or influenced and shaped by people. Identity is self-awareness because individuals create their placement in this world, for example social class. That is considered self-segregation within the individual’s own perspective. One could always be striving to fit in. This could change the perspective on how someone could identify himself or herself as. In the essay “The Myths of a Latin Woman”, the narrator had cultural influence to modification her view on herself. Her parents were used as guides to help her find her true identity. She was not embarrassed of who she is and where she came from. She used her culture as guides. With this though, come the inevitable stereotypes from other customs. These stereotypes helped shape and find herself, because she was not going to become what people thought of her. “Mixed cultural signals have perpetuated certain stereotypes-for example that of a Hispanic woman as the “Hot Tamale” or sexual firebrand” (Cofer 73). If born into a certain heritage they will never fully escape it even if they try. Heritage makes who they really are and it is a part of a sense of identity. “You can leave the island, master the English language, and travel as far as you can, but if you are a Latina, the Island travels with you” (cofer 72). Nancy Mair, the author of “On Being a Cripple”, is a perfect example of how one can create an identity for them. Nancy, while being cripple began to accept herself for who she was, as she liked to call herself “a cripple”. She made it clear that the disease that was brought upon her, multiple sclerosis, was not going to define who she was. “And a disease is- at least not singlehandedly- going to determine who I am. Though at first seemed to going to” (Mair 240). The fatigue and hatred she had for her illness only brought her closer to accepting herself. “Because I hate being cripple, I sometim

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