Fantastic Mr. Fox is an animated movie by Wes Anderson based on the novel by the esteemed Roald Dahl. The movie centers around Mr. Fox, a fox with a craving for crime, voiced by George Clooney. When the film opens, he and his wife, Felicity, voiced by Meryl Streep, are in the middle of a chicken heist. Unfortunately, they are caught in a trap, where Felicity reveals that she is pregnant. Because of her pregnancy, Mr. Fox vows to stop thieving if they escape the trap alive. They do escape, by digging, as viewers later learn. The movie jumps ahead twelve "fox years. Mr. and Mrs. Fox are living happily with their son, Ash, in their underground abode. Mr. Fox has left behind his days of thieving in favor of a career as a newspaper columnist, though he secretly yearns to practice his beloved craft again. Restless without being able to thieve, Mr. Fox decides he wants to move, specifically to a large tree in the neighborhood. The family moves, against the warnings of Mr. Fox's friend, Badger, who believes it could be dangerous due to the tree's human neighbors, the farmers Bogis, Bunce, and Bean, who produce chicken, duck and goose, and turkey and apples respectively. Hearing about these farmers only makes Mr. Fox want to return to his thieving days even more, and he enlists his friend Kylie, a goofy little o'possum, to assist him with his "Master Plan. The first heist is extremely successful; the pair rob Boggis, the chicken farmer, of many a chicken without a hitch. While this is happening, the Mr. and Mrs. Fox's nephew, Kristofferson, arrives to stay with his aunt and uncle due to his father's illness. Kristofferson is instantly liked by all who meet him, much to the displeasure of Ash, the Fox's son, who is a rather abstruse fox. Even Mr. Fox seems to prefer his nephew over his son, due to his great athleticism, which Ash insists he has but truly lacks. Mr. Fox even goes on to invite Kristofferson to join him and Kylie on the next