
Adventure and Delight - My Big Thrill

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Life is full of surprises. Often, those wonders arise at times when we didn’t expect it. And when it occurs, we are overwhelmed. There are instances, chances, and even periods that these events just poop---out of nowhere, but the outcome is somewhat stunning. Perhaps, this is what had happen to me. It’s just a normal day; Sun is shining brightly, sky was as blue as the other day. And then, Voila! I received a text message, “Congratulations!” that was the first line of the message, and my curiosity lifted: I continued reading – “We acknowledge your application for the SMART BRO – WILL and WIN CHALLENGE, 50,000 POINTS for a Million!” Whew, I was in the state of amazement at that time. Just imagine, a hundred thousand applicants and I was chosen as one of the fifty final contenders, whoosh! I was very happy at that moment. I now have a chance to win a million! Then I continued, “As part of the competition, you must send us your latest billing statement for your subscription. We had checked that your points as of today are at 38,682 smart points. Please be reminded that the last submission is due to three weeks after receiving this message. Thank you!” that was the rest of the message, and it left me hanging. I think it has to do with the message or I just don’t understand the message completely. I want to laugh at myself though. For the second time, I read it again. Now I understand. I understand that, though reading that message was an awesome experience, I cannot win that million coz’, I don’t have enough points and at the same time, I won’t be able to make that enough points in due time, so much for the thrill. I don’t know if I’ll be happy, for I received that message or I’ll be annoyed and frustrated because I can’t win that race. But, I choose to be happy. The last thing I know, I had already forgotten about it, until now. And then a memory reminisced in my mind. It was one of our summer escapad

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