Everyone has a mindset of getting an education, finding a job, and fulfilling their part to make up a society. As graduation is coming around the corner one question has been seamlessly playing over and over in everyone's head: What do you want to be when you grow up? Our goal in life is to find a stable job and make your loved ones proud. Although, it is hard to find a job that benefits everyone while also benefitting yourself. When it comes to making the world a better place, a job that instantly comes to mind is being a speech-language pathologist. In the United States, approximately 7.5 million people have trouble using their voices and must seek help (National Institutions on Deafness). However, there are about 119,300 speech-language pathologists in the United States. Speech-language pathology is such a needed occupation in the world for they better those who truly need it due to a disorder that they have. Ever since I was younger, I always knew that becoming a speech-language pathologists was the right thing to do. I've always loved helping those who need it, so when it comes to choosing an occupation that benefits my community and also myself, speech-language pathology is the way to go. It seems like today everyone wants to be the greatest and have such memorable lives where they're rewarded. But speech-language pathologists help those who has forgotten something so important and let them learn it all over again so they can reconnect with the ones that they love, and that is as rewarding as it gets. Speech-language pathologists also known as speech pathologists or speech therapists help patients who are diagnosed with problems relating to speaking. Speech-language pathologists must go through a process to examine a patient and see how their treatment should work. They start the process with screening for communication and swallowing disorders. They continue the process by providing the patient with the right diagnosis, management, intervention, and counseling followed by many services for the disorders. Speech-language pathologists focus mainly on teaching the patients on how they can improve their voices. They set up many tasks in order for the patients to get an accurate leeson. Also, they provide them with different communication methods. The main method is sign language. A speech pathologist must improve a patient's ability to read and write, set up meetings with the family to let them know what's happening, and give the patients advice on speaking and swallowing along with the help of a medical professional. As a speech therapist, it's important to communicate with their patients, examine their language difficulty or their level of speech, and analyze their communication problem. In order to get an accurate outcome, a speech therapist must conduct standardized tests such as basic reading and vocalizing tasks. From there the treatments can be determined, and the speech therapist can create an individual treatment plan (Healthcare Salaries). Lastly, Speech therapist prove that people with swallowing disorders and speech disorders can communicate independently by providing the community and families with the facts on progression of those who have speech disabilities. Speech-Language pathology is very needed and pl