Almost every day of the week, there’s at least one sport occasion that millions of people tune into with their families and friends. Whether it be soccer, football, basketball, hockey, tennis and the list goes on. Almost three quarters of the time the sport that is being broadcasted is being played by men. Hardly ever do we see women on the big screen. Truth is women’s sports are a joke. It’s a shame that sexism is so greatly applied when it comes down to women in sports. Such as women are “ disregarded and only stereotypically allowed to play a certain sport that features the expressions of feminine characteristics”.There are so many stereotypes that people develop about women that play professional sports. For example, women can’t play a male dominated sport simply because of their abilities. In addition to such stereotypes women aren’t provided equal opportunities that men receive. In the media, male athletes continue to stay in the spotlight. Such as LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. We see them in commercials, on billboards, and even cereal boxes. They are portrayed as the perfect role model for people around the world. The fact that they are so highly endorsed and out there makes it very difficult for women to receive the same support, love, and opportunities as them. Why is this? Sadly it’s because nobody wants to see a women in a jersey doing what a man does. Instead they’d rather see her half naked on a magazine. For example, Jenny Finch who was the pitcher for the USA olympic team. Although she is a phenomenal athlete and was very successful during the years she played for USA she wasn’t discovered by many until she was on the cover of sports illustrated in a two piece. Unequal funding has to be the most controversial issues when it comes to women in sports. “College and professional organizations continue to provide unequal funding for women”. According to the Women’s Sports Foundatio