If you look outside of your window, you'll probably see some houses, your dog running across your yard or even some cars zooming down the street because its rush hour. However, imagine looking outside of your window and seeing massive fire balls smashing into the ground, horses the size of household dogs, or twenty foot lizards roaming around. Our marvelous planet Earth wasn't always as calm and as peaceful as it is today, In fact this planet has gone through many trials and tribulations to get to its current standing. Or should I say "rotating" point. But how did we get here? What really happened in the past? The Solar system just like Earth used to be a very vicious place. When a star exploded, it created the interstellar cloud. Interstellar clouds are made up of extremely tiny particles of gas, dust and plasma. Over thousands of years, as temperature density and pressure work together you get what is called a planetesinal. In the solar system, there was a ton of those little planets. Since there was no gravity or sense of direction, those planetesinals were instantly smashing into each other creating massive dubree in the solar system, which smashes again and again and that repeats itself. Because of the no specific sense of direction little Earth was always getting into collisions. One day a planetesinal the size of Mars completely turned Earth around. The name of this thing that caused this massive impact was Thea. When Thea collided with the Earth half of our planet was completely gone. The impact was so massive that half of our Earth stayed in Thea, and half of Thea stayed in our planet. That was how our moon was created. So I guess, since Thea is a part of Earth the early humans alive were actually the ones to first step foot on the "moon . Because of that impact, Earth was in a very bad situation. Our planet was weak and could barely handle any more damage. From volcanic explosions, to fireball rain, our layers of the Earth became formed. Because of the solar system not having any atmosph