As a first generation university student of Latino descent, Ive dedicated myself to improve the quality of life of underrepresented populations in the United States. Being a product of the Providence school system, within one of the most violent and poorest neighborhoods in Rhode Island, I was still able to rise above my surrounding and expectations placed upon me. I have witnessed how a lack of opportunity can negatively impact a communities most valuable natural resource, its youth. I have had to aggressively pursue opportunity while bearing chains of poverty and overcome the barriers and challenges that consume so many. Thurgood Marshall said it best, "None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." Without the assistance, support and dedication from a few key figures of my past, I too would have never made it to the steps of a university. Therefore, I firmly believe that it is important for those who circumvent society's expectation of underperformance or failure to return to their decaying communities to aid others in securing economic stability, illuminating obscure paths to higher education and an enhanced quality of life. The most salient challenges facing New York Citys youth are similar to those facing inner city youth from across the nation: a lack of consistent parental supervision in their lives coupled with the negative influences of the wider community. I have worked with youth since I was a youth. Many come from homes which are headed by single parents who work so often that they are not able to consistently monitor and guide their children. As a result many young people become victims of the influences around them and engage in self destructive behavior. I hold this statement to be true because I was one those adolescences. I was involved with drugs and violence and allowed myself to be defined by what society expec