
China - A Balance of Resources

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?Introduction Nowadays, the whole world faces problems of constantly growing population, the main reason is that the planet has limited amount of natural resources and food. China is a country with the biggest number of citizens, so I would like to take focus on wildly growing Chinese economy and it’s outcomes for social, economical and cultural well being of people. The constantly growing population of China has some interesting issues. For example, as the recent researches show that there are some evidences providing the reality of Chinese demographic threat.(Jake) A large population results in several problems for China, like magnitude, depth and extraordinary sharpness of population. Therefore, I consider this topic as very relevant due to the presence of imbalance between the number of inhabitants and the natural resources in China, as well as some aspects of the policy of “one child per family”, which were implemented in 70-80s. Moreover, the uneven distribution of the rural and urban population is also dangerous, because it directly affects the internal security of China, as well as brings a potential threat to stability on a global scale. Thus, demographic issue has become one of the major factors hindering the country’s further development. The purpose of this paper is to review and assess the adequacy of the demographic policies pursued by the Chinese government in the country’s development. First, I would like to give an overview of one child policy and its consequences. Secondly, I am going to provide some examples of Chinese demographic problems and its possible solutions. Final aim is to analyze the trends and consequences of demographic policies in China. One Child Policy Since the late 70’s, when China has pursued a consistent policy to regulate the demographic situation, it was addressed to the problems of overpopulation and lack of natural resources, but also non-uniformity of the age and sex structure. Population policy is useful tool for creating sustainable conditions of country's low birth rate, low death rate and low natural population growth. Birth policy control of People’s Republic China (PRC) requires each couple to engage in family planning with restriction of having “one child-policy” per household. Rural families, for example, suffer from that policy and complain that this regulation negatively influence on their working capacities by decreasing the number of needed manpower. Furthermore, the rules vary in areas of national minorities depending on the will and strength of the certain nationalities, as well as availability of local resources, the economical factors, culture, folk customs, etc. For small minorities rules are not restricted at all. For those who follow this rule government provides various benefits. For instance, they receive salary increments until a child reaches the age of 14 and parents receive five percent premium to pension every year (JAKE & winjler, 2099). Moreover, this family has the rights to receive priority housing as well as priority-placement for a child in a kindergarten. A system of penalties for "offenders" of principle "one family - one child” imposed extra fines for them , as well as deduct their wages(Jake). Those “offenders” are one of the last persons, who receive housing and their children (the second, third child) are not taken into kindergartens, sometimes not allowed to go to school. This fact will not be able to get a higher education. Jake reported that Violators of this principle could even lose their jobs. On the other hand, a side effect of the policy is an increased number of abortions and sterilizations of women and men, as well as later marriage. Moreover, another important problem is "gender imbalance" among newborn babies. According to Jake the country is marked as "deficit girls for marring" and the number of unmarried men is measured reaching the highest peak in the world (JAKe,2010). To solve this problem, policy makers proposed draft amendments to the Criminal Law established to punish, those, who violate state law by disobedient behavior towards establ

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