Ah, fame! We love celebrities and wish that we were like them. So that we can get paid loads of money, have everyone know what our names, know our life stories, have everyone love us and of course the greatest gift of all, entertaining people. When I was a teenager, I dreamt about being a famous filmmaker. I was always writing stories since I was child and I was getting more and more into writing when I got older. And I thought filmmaking was the thing for me and that was what I wanted to do more than anything in the world.But when I told people this, they all made fun of me. Even my so-called "friends". No-one took me seriously. So my filmmaking ambition didn't get off the ground. I thought I should give up my creativity for good. What's the point of telling stories if no-one cares? Then I realized, you don't need fame as filmmaker or author to show people how creative you are. So that's why I turned to posting stories on this site. And I get a lot of views from all over the world and that makes me very happy.Now that I'm an adult, I'm actually glad I never became a big filmmaker or a celebrity. And here's why: No matter where you are, people just won't leave you alone. If you want your privacy, there is no chance. You want to have a nice quiet meal in a restaurant. Just you and your family, but fans keep interrupting you asking for your autographs. It is nice to make a fan happy, but when you have to do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, it'll drive you mad. And if you are the child of a famous star, it is like being thrown in with the lions. You will get bullied at school, just because your parent is famous. It's even worse if the child does not choose fame and is born to famous family anyway. Not everyone you will meet in life is nice to you. We all know that. If you are a celebrity, anyone can know who you are, find out information on you and use them against you. If you're one of tho