The aim of the article is to illustrate various security technologies in the aviation industry. Most of airports have installed biometric scanners and explosive detection systems to control the terrorism activities and to check the baggage of passengers. According to the British Government, full body scanners and biometrics are installed in almost all the airports to screen the passengers (, 2014). Passengers have a concern about the full body scanners as it is in unease with the individual privacy and also there is the chance causing health issues. International Air Transport Association (IATA) has proposed a plan in developing airport security model, which includes big data, cyber security technologies and the cloud computing technologies near future. Graham (2013) cites airport security has endured enormous transformations after the terrorism activities around the world. Also it has undergone significant improvements in terms of security. Some of the airports like Munich, ODG (Paris), Narita (Tokyo) and Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport (India) are the examples for the changes in Airport security technologies. (Behnke cited in Graham 2003, p261). Merrari (1999) comments that the terrorism attacks were increasing high in late 1960’s in commercial aviation and some of the security measures were introduced that time like bomb detection and passenger screening technologies. According the UK Government, Explosive detection system is the method used to detect explosives such as bombs and inflatable gases through the scanners, which is also called as X-ray machines (, 2013). Explosive detection system (EDS) will screen the baggage of the passengers to detect explosives or the other prohibited items (Graham, 2003). International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has recommended all the United States and European airports particularly to install the explosive detection systems (ICAO, 2003). Smiths detection group has signed an agreement to install EDS in Russia, India and Dubai at the cost of over $170 million (Airport technology, 2013). Explosive detection system works on tomography computed technology, which has the capability to detect and trace the explosives in the baggage of passengers. (Wells et al, 2004). Schneier (2020) argues that the explosive detection machines have restricted capacity like the larger baggage could not fit into the machine. Alternative Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) machines are used to analyze the larger baggage where the conveyors are used (Oianmei, 2007). ETD has the capability to trace the vapor substances in the baggage. The Department of Transport has approved some of the ETD machines that are ACBX-LEDS V 3.2, ACBX-LEDS 6040 by smiths detection systems to be used in the airports (, 2014). Hussaini et al (2012) cites that the laser base explosive systems is the latest technology in civil aviation of Israel to screen the baggage with the help of lasers to detect the explosives with the time frame of less than 3 seconds. According to the technologist point of views it is framed as ‘high risk safety technology’ (Laser detect systems, 2014) I would be discussing about the cyber security technologies in the Aviation. Cyber security is all about protecting confidential information. According to John. M (VP of cyber Tec) it is the tools and process to ensure the airports reliability and safety are not adversely impacted by the problems on the control networks. IATA (2014) says that the cyber security is the ‘Next Gen’ advanced