Question What factors and concerns are causing renewable energy sectors to expand? Which three renewable sources are experiencing the most rapid growth? How is the Economy and Developing Nations being affected by the rapid growth? Response Fossil Fuels has driven our economies and made the Industrial Evolution possible but today's society is facing a potential cross roads with Fossil Fuels. Fossil Fuels are non renewable energy sources which basically means they are finite and have an expiration date as well as having dramatic affects on the earth's ecosystem and having tremendous health risks.(pg 355 ch16) Nations across the globe are now realizing the disastrous affects that fossil fuels have on our every day and have chosen to do something about this matter by popular demand. In my lifetime we are now seeing the emergence as well as effectiveness that renewable energy sources can have a postie affect on our economy, health, and ecosystem. Renewable Energy sources can be replenished at a rate of comfort for humans as long as it is not depleted it can also provide cleaner fuel that doesn't emit green house gases into the atmosphere. The most popular renewable sources include Hydro, Solar, and Wind they can provide energy for heating of air and water, fuel for vehicles and power for electricity. The alternate fuels listed have already had an impact on society and have encouraged Economic grow and development of third world countries. Alternative Fuels are sources of energy that differ from our primary energy fuels such as Fossil Fuels (Coal, Natural Gas, Oil). The biggest problem is that Fossil Fuels are non renewable and are finite which means one day they will soon be depleted. My generation now asks ourselves what will happen when previous generations before us have used all of our natural resources and have nothing else left? Fossil Fuels are made from plant/animal matter that has faced great pressure and has been decomposing for millions of years it is extracted from these large reserves deep underground to form into combustible materials used for fuel.(356) At our rate of consumption these fuels will be gone and generations to come will be left with no source of energy. By adapting to this have strived to move towards more efficient and cleaner fuels to be usedin the near future.(356) As renewable sources replace fossil fuels they help decrease air pollution and the green house gases that drive global climate change. Many of these renewable energy sources are inexhaustible which could then gurantee our future on this planet.(356) Developing Alternative sources of energy provides benefits for our government to rely less on foreign oil which has been some of the main political crisis that we have faced in the 21st century. Green Collared jobs are growing because of todays demand for alternative fuels this can only lead to a growing economy and more jobs for the country which is something that is very much needed with providing 3 million jobs to date this sector of business is thriving and will continue to thrive as long as there is a demand for the pro