
Comparing the Mac to the PC

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Many people find the Mac easier to use and then PC geared to processing speed in the software having barely any viruses or malware. However, PCs are pretty affordable and usable but on the other hand the quality of PCs have degraded compared to Macs. Macs’ are designed by Apple, which makes Macs’ very unique in many aspects. Macs’ design is better in ways that other companies do notice but cannot compare to. The manufacturers of Mac use better quality material, whereas the PC has material that mostly involves plastic that is not durable. “To help keep the overall cost low some PC manufacturers build their computers from plastics and other cheaper materials when compared to a Mac” (Mac vs. PC PC’s are made of different companies that mean different manufacturers produce the laptops for other PC companies, such as Toshiba that received 3/5 stars on average rating of their products whereas Apple received 4.5/5 stars. (best and worst laptop brands of 2014). This shows that other PCs companies cannot keep up to Apples standards. One day I was walking and tripped over my cord for my laptop and it made my laptop fall on the floor, it damaged the body of my laptop, which affected my computer usage. Apple security is better than PCs security because they are a unique program not like PCs that runs a basic program that is vulnerable to viruses and malware. “Most people today are using computers running some version of Microsoft windows, which makes it a much better target for Attackers” (Mac vs. PC If PCs, receive a virus the pc will either or become slow which may affect your files, software’s, whereas macs have a complex process for their security, in which everything that the user may open which may not be trusted by Apple will require the user to enter their administrator password. If this basic security were not active on th

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