
Teachers, Guidance and Caring

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Guidance has become more and more popular in the new age of helping children grow. Traditions are changing of what is and is not appropriate on how to help with child development, weather it is between the parents themselves or a daycare facility the child and/or children have been placed into. Guidance can range from parent to parent, teacher to teacher, and even child to child. Age, cultural backgrounds and if the child has been born with a physical or mental disability, are all factors to how certain guidance should be applied to the individual. Guidance can be defined as an act of providing leadership, providing direction, giving and/or showing advice as well as the task of supervision. Child guidance can help with education, therapeutic treatment, and study of children whom have an emotional and/or behavioral problem. Psychologists, teachers, and other trained specialists are trained guidance professionals, however a parent will have the most experience of their child’s behavior and if needed will seek help with professionals. Guidance can also be referred as counseling, in which a certain problem may be affecting a child and they are in need of help, the counseling session will dig deeper than just the surface problems most children at a young age deal with, such as, not wanting to share, or doesn’t like to sit still for every activity. The problem the child may be having can be emotional, mental and physical; each creating a dilemma the child is not happy or comfortable with. The guidance provided to the child in need can help influence them to either work out the problem or find another way to get around or over it. Guidance works best when provided by an adult who knows confidently what the child may need to do to help out the situation they are in. A teacher’s role in how children learn is incredibly important. Providing proper amount of useful equipment and having a safe environment for the child to think freely and feel safe is vastly important to the child’s well being. A teacher’s role in supporting social and emotional development can go a long way. It may seem like a simple task, but providing each child with a level of comfort takes time and energy but is crucial for all parties. Having a safe environment for a chil

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