Many people ponder the existence of a “higher power” that has created all things and that keeps watch of all it has created. The question that all people must answer based on their belief is “Does God exist?” With all of the good and evil things in the world, it is difficult for many to acknowledge an omnipotent and good God. In 2014 we have seen the Russian annexing of Ukrainian Crimea, ISIS beheading Americans, the Michael Brown and Eric Gardner cases, and nation outrage at the decisions made in these cases. This question is important because if we do not believe in God, then we also do not believe in life after death. This also means that we should have no morals and do as we please because there will be no consequences to face after we die and leave this world. So, does God exist? I believe one of the most simple to understand viewpoints on the question comes from Blaise Pascal. He came up with a wager, since he was a gambling man, and left the choice to everyone else individually. There are two paths (to believe or not believe in God) with two outcomes (God does or does not exist), leaving four possible results. The first is to believe in God and He exists, resulting in infinite gain in the form of eternal life. The second option is to believe in God, but he does not exist, which will result in no loss and possible gain while on earth in being a good person. The third choice is not to believe and God and find that he does exist. This would result in infinite loss, being damned to hell for eternity. The fourth and final result comes from not believing in God and he doesn’t exist. The outcome is no gain or loss, since there is nothing. This viewpoint does oversimplify a complicated and abstract idea. However it is easy to understand in the terms Pascal presents. In terms of betting, it would make no sense to wager on something where the results net no loss or gain, or a great loss. However, the other two outcomes, large or small gain, result in something for the person who is placing their bets. With this philosophy, we are led to “hedge our bet” and believe in the one true God in hopes of eternal salvation with him in heaven. Although this may not be the most “morally sound” argument in favor of God, it is still easy for most people to understand and get behind. My family has played a great role in the development of my spiritual life, and of all my family members, I believe that my mom has been the most influential. I sat down with my mom