If you saw bullying, what would you do to stop it? Would you stand by and let it happen, take part in it or try to stop it? Not many students think about this, and that's part of the problem. Bullying can be a traumatizing experience for some students. ˜Treat others the way you want to be treated.' That's the Golden Rule and it should be followed in every aspect of your life. If someone was in a position to stop you from being bullied and did nothing, how would you feel? If that is unacceptable, something must be done to stop people from hurting each other. Bullying is inhumane, and needs to end. There are certain groups in our society who try to fight against bullying and despite that, it still happens. Why? Throughout the course of this essay, I am going to discuss the issue of bullying, and is there something being done about this rising conflict in our society that is harming a lot of people. There are quite a few reasons for bullying to occur in or out of school. According to Emma Elise Roberts, in her article about types of bullying it is often the children who bully one another. And we would think why, aren't they supposed to play around in this age? Well no, because to some bullying is considered to be fun, or by doing this they will be popular in school. Also by doing this they feel more powerful or important, in other words they want to get what they want all the time. Children who bully others feel insecure and try to fit in with a group. They are jealous of other kids and feel unhappy, so what they do is bully other kids to get that feeling that they are superior. They are copying what they have seen others do before, or what has been done to them. Before it goes any further the teachers or parents need to watch out for these signs and try to help the child in any way. The school is supposed to be a safe place and secure environment however there is an increase concern about recognizing, interviewing, to preventing bully within the school. While in my middle and high school years, I myself, have experienced a lot of these incidents occurring in front of my eyes. I have been a witness of students who were being bullied. And the shocking thing was that more than half of the incidents were not even being reported to the faculty. According to the website Bullying No Way, another thing that parents or others don't seem to consider is that there are innocent bystanders that witness bullying. But the thing about those bystanders is that they fear their own safety and do not want to get involved in whatever is happening. They think that there are a lot other people next to them and one of them will help. These bystanders think of it as none of their business and tend to enjoy watching others being bullied (Bullying No Way). If bystanders even attempted to intervene in bullying instead of just standing there and performing the above reasons; they could stop it. Therefore, if you are someone who standing by someone who is being bullied, take some action and try to stop it. If perhaps, more people would stand up to the bully for the bullied, bullying could end before i