I'll just begin by talking about the one thing that makes us, teens, lose our minds. School. And english teachers. I mean, school and english teachers who allow their students to choose their writing topic.I always thought that teachers shouldn't allow students to choose their writing topic. There are over billions of things in this world that we can write about and choosing one of all of them is the most difficult part of the work. I mean, how can they possibly expect us to keep our excellent grades when they give us the chance of choosing our freaking topic!! The hard part on this isn't the fact that we have to writing over 500 words, that's the easiest. But if I don't have a topic given by the teacher, then I'll freak out. I want to keep my high marks at this subject and, once this is a crucial paper for me to maintain my grades, I'm just going to talk about how life sucks. Everyone is putting on so much pressure in you, and everyone is always expecting you to do your best that when you happen to fail at something everything falls down, and everyone gets disappointed and that's probably the reason so many teens get depressed so prematurely. Most doctors can't see it and they always end up saying 'She/He just needs some rest'. That leaves us to suicide in adolescence. When someone brings this topic up everyone thinks it is related to bullying, but did you know that even the most popular kids in school commit suicide? And it sure wasn't because they were being bullied, when most of the times they are the real bully! You always say that we look so happy, and that we should enjoy these years because they are the best years of our lives, but guess what: they're not anymore. I don't know if it's because of technology or what so ever but I'm telling you, adolescence is not the best period of our lives. Besides the pressure, that I've already mentioned, if you don't have the right clothes, or the right mobile phone you are pushed away and l