The student found a bag full of illegal drugs. His face was surprised and scared because if they saw him with that backpack and illegal drugs, people will start believing that the backpack was him than he will go to jail. He was super scared so he decided to take the backpack and act normal so no one will find out. All his classes were finished so it was time to go home and guess what he did took the backpack to his house. His parents didn’t notice because they were at work when he got home so he just hid the backpack in closet. Night came and his parents got home, they sat in the dinner table and started eating dinner together and tried to act normal in front of his parent, when they were in the middle of eating the father decided to ask him how was school, Michael started sweating and stuttering when he tried to answer his father question. His mom knew something was wrong by the way he was acting; when his mom asked him if he was okay he just said that he was having a headache and was feeling dizzy, than he asked his parents if he could go to sleep because he wasn’t feeling well, his parents agreed. Michael started walking up the stairs towards the bathroom thinking that he was glad he came up with that lie. (The reason he didn’t want to tell his parents about the backpack he found was because he lost some trust from his parents when they caught him drinking alcohol at a party he was invited but his parents told him not to go). Michael decided he would throw away the backpack when he got home from school because he didn’t want to get in trouble (he thought it was best if no one knew what happened). In the morning, Michael woke up like everything was ok, he took a shower, brushed his teeth and got ready for school, than he walked towards the kitchen where his parents were eating breakfast but before he walked in the kitchen he heard his parents talking about bills and financial issues. When Michael walked in his parents stop