A schema is an organization of patterns of behavior used in particular situations (Papalia, Olds, Feldman & Kruk, 2008, p. 169). This concept was developed by Jean Piaget, a cognitive theorist who studied natural sciences and main focus was on childhood development. Piaget is the first cognitive theorist to focus on patterns of behavior in children. He essentially was first on centering his practice on finding out how children think, how they develop their knowledge and how they are able to adapt to environments (Marian, 2011, p.33). Though Piaget initially developed the concept of schema, his concept was later redefined by modern theorists, one of which is Chris Athey. According to Athey a schema is “a pattern of repeated actions. Clusters of schemas develop into later concepts” (Hayward and Norton, 2009, p. 2). These clusters are classified as transporting, transforming, trajectory, rotation & circularity, enclosure & enveloping, connecting, and disconnecting. These schemas are used in a child’s area of play as in transporting, which is movement of objects. Children use this in their schema of play as they may be packing toys from a table or play space into a bin. Transforming is, change. Children use this in their area of play as they may be painting a picture and while doing so mixing the colors. Trajectory is also movement but, in a way that is subtle. Children engage in this kind of play through building blocks and knocking them over. Rotation & Circularity is movement that is in circular motions. Children engage in such play as they may be playing a game of ‘hokey pokey’ where they are able to spin themselves around in a rotating manner. Enclosure & Enveloping is closing things and opening them. Children may engage in this play through building forts with loose clothes and pillows where they may be able to completely cover and uncover themselves. Connecting is attachment. Children engage in this kind of play through building puzzles and putting the pieces together. And lastly, Disconnecting, which is, taking apart. Children engage in such play as they cut paper during arts and craft activities. There are four levels of schema; these levels that they operate are the sensory motor level, the symbolic level, the functional dependency level and the abstract thought level. According to Hayward and Norton the authors of the PowerPoint titled ‘Uncovering children’s learning: Children, parents and childminders in dialogue’ the sensory motor level consists of action and movement. At this level children participate in play through