
Customer Behaviors

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1. Introduction 1.1 Background to the report In recent years, understanding of consumer behaviour has become a vitally important part of any company’s businesses. A basic marketing concept holds that firms exist to satisfy customers’ needs (Sheth & Mittal, 1999). However, these needs can only be satisfied when marketers understand consumers who will buy and use the product or service the companies are trying to sell. The process of understanding consumer behavior requires investigation and understanding of situational factors that may influence consumer decision process (Neal et al., 2000). Quester et al. (2011) describe the consumer decision process as the combination of such elements as problem recognition, information search, evaluation, purchase and post purchase process. Customers pass these stages when they buy a new product. Neal et al. (2000) stress that the purchase decision and consumption process always occur in a specific situation. Neal et al. (2000, p.24) define a situation as “a set of factors outside of, and removed from, the consumer is reacting”. Therefore, it is crucially important to understand to what extent and how situational influence factors (Quester et al., 2011, p. ) affect the decision process, which are the point of interest, as marketers may face a very difficult task to find a connection between situational factors and consumers’ decision making process. Hard Rock Café is an example of a company, where marketers need to understand what motivates and concerns people when they buy one of the most popular items from Hard Rock Shop – Classic White T-shirt. Once marketers can control and predict how customers will behave in a certain situation, they can increase the sales of Hard Rock Classic T-shirt. 1.2 Aims This report intends to investigate the extent to which and ways in which situational factors impact on the purchase decision for Hard Rock Classic T-shirt. Research aims are: To provide methodology of the research focusing who are involved and how to process the interview including questions To provide interview results give background information about Hard Rock Café and its most popular item –Hard Rock Classic White T-shirt. To identify and describe problems for Hard Rock Classic T-Shirt product for better understanding of situational factors affecting the purchasing decision. To research the situational influences that would have an impact on the consumer decision to purchase Hard Rock Classic T-shirt. To connect situational factors to consumer decision making process and discuss in what ways marketers can use understanding of this connection in order to influence the buying decisions of customers. 2. Interview process In order to identity perceptions and experiences of Body shop, four were interviewed . Table 1 provides demographic information about interview such as age, sex, how longFirst Hard Rock Café was opened in 1971 in London by Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton (Hard Rock Cafe International, 2010). Hard Rock Café had a new idea of dining experience which combined service and food with rock ‘n' roll music, and collections of Rock n’ Roll items (Hard Rock Cafe International, 2010). The unparalleled memorabilia of Hard Rock Cafes includes costumes, music instruments, photos, autographs and much more of famous musicians. The unique memorabilia collection of Hard Rock gave a new name to Hard Rock – “the living museum” (Hard Rock Cafe International, 2010). From 1982 Hard Rock started its global expansion and nowadays Hard Rock has over 166 cafes in more than 52 countries (Liddle, 2009). Hard Rock has become a global phenomenon, indeed. The inseparable part of Hard Rock Café experience has become a Hard Rock Shop in the cafés. Merchandise part of Hard Rock is represented by clothes and souvenirs with Hard Rock Cafe logo (Hard Rock Cafe International, 2010). The most recognisable and famous item of Hard Rock Cafe Shop is White Classic T-shirt with Hard Rock Cafe logo and name of the city where the Hard Rock Cafe is situated (Work experience, 2008; Work experience, 2010 ). The pictures of this iconic product are presented below: The product is presented in a wide variety. There are Classic T-shirts for men, ladies, teenagers, kids and even infants (Work experience, 2010). Customers from all over the world are heading to Hard Rock Cafe Shops to purchase a Classic T-Shirt. Haig (2006) notices that Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt appeal among tourists who want a familiarity of a well-known brand. There are curtain situational factors that influence tourists and Hard Rock visitors to buy a Classic T-shirt. However, before identifying and evaluating the situational influence on consumer decision making process, it is important to identify the problem for Hard Rock Classic T-shirt. 3. Identification of the problem The consumer decision process begins with the recognition of a problem. Quester et al. (2011) make it clear that a consumer p

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