
sport toursim

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“Sport tourism" is defined as leisure-based travel that takes individuals temporarily outside of their home communities to participate in physical activities, to watch physical activities, or to venerate attractions associated with physical activities,” Gibson stated. One of the forthcoming trends in today’s culture is sport tourism. Moreover, sport tourism is predominate and enhancing phenomenon. Human social attitudes, technological advancement, and economic circumstance had affected these trends. According to the British Tourist Authority, “The prominence of sports and sports people in the national and international media is such that sport has become a powerful tool in destination marketing.” These days we obviously see proliferate in tourist arrivals all over the world. For instance, sport tourism successfully influenced to Australian economy. The hosting of the Sydney 2000 Olympics was unique occasion for Australia. As Australian Bureau of Statistics reported, “4.94 million people visited Australia during the Olympic Games.” Also this was an increase of 11 % from preceding record. In addition, another advantage of sport tourism is being healthy. Today, a lot of people are involved in or watch sports the entire world. People are becoming more conscious, informed, and cognizant about their healthy which sport tourism determine. Therefore, distribution of sport tourism informs people to be in fine fettle and pay attention to health. There are a number of travel companies which provide people to participate in adventure holidays, for example, mountain climbing in Sabah, and scuba diving in Kenya. The sport tourism will be consequence for intensifying and enhancing employment rates. Furthermore, sport managers should create effective techniques and methods which will be attract consumers’ attention. The sport managers should improve new sport projects and products to attract tourist attention. This method also will he

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