After viewing the video by Dr. Schmalbach, which dealt with the Theology of the Hymnals, I have come to discover how Hymns play an intricate part in how we as Christians are taught our doctrines in what we sing. The church that my family and I attended sung very little hymnals. Consequently, as a result of this, I have very little knowledge of how important hymnals are in a worship service. Dr. Schmalbach did a wonderful job explaining and defining the importance of Hymnals in a worship services. The one thing that Dr. Schmalbach said in the video that stuck out to me and stained my memory, was when he said, “Our doctrine or theology is taught and learned through what we sing”. Wow what a mouthful. I believe that it is very necessary for hymnals to be sung in churches worldwide; especially, if they serve as tools by which we can learn our doctrine and theology. This brings me to the hymn from The Psalter, 1912 which was taken from the book of Psalms 119:33-40 “Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth”. After studying Psalms 119:33-40 which correlates with this particular Hymn, I have come to relieved the gist and the message of both the Hymn and the Psalm. They both express a magnificent love for the written word of God. I believe that the author realizes how important the word of God is, as it relates to his spiritual maturity. The written Word of God gives us promises, truth, guidance, teaching, reproof, and righteousness. In the Hymn theses very same things are being offered. The author also conveys to us that the Word of God is something that we as Christians can totally rely on especially when we need to be comforted, protected, and guided even in the affaires of life. The bible says, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”. (Matt. 4:4 KJV) This is the same message that I received when reading this Hymn. As Christians we should seek after God’s word more than anyth