The financial debts of young consumers are becoming a serious problem in America. Young Adults make good targets for credit card companies, simply because they're unaware of the damages a credit card can do. "Today's young adults view credit cards as a welcome and easy path to the lifestyle they see around them" (Pressler). Although the debts of this generation are growing there are ways to decrease the risk of debt to future card holders. Raising the age of card holders to 25 may help to decrease this problem. Financial classes for everyone who would like to get a credit card would also be effective in decreasing the amount of people with large debts. Lastly, only allowing a person to have one credit card at a time would be beneficial as well. It's possible for teenagers in high school to get a credit card if they want one. "RIT professor manning said his research shows the use of credit cards among high school students has tripled in the past two years" (Pressler). At such a young age high school students and even college students lack the understanding they need to use their cards responsibly. They use these cards to spend money they don't have on things they wouldn't normally buy. These acts lead people even deeper into debt. By raising the age of credit card holders we can eliminate some of the irresponsibility young adults seem to have when it comes to being responsible with their money. I believe that twenty-five is an appropriate minimum age for anyone who is looking to get a credit card. At this age people tend to be more responsible. They understand more about debt and not using an amount of money that they will never be able to pay off. By the time they reach this age they are more independent and have has more experience with responsibility. Raising the age of credit card holders is a sure way to help decrease debts. Ignorance contributes to Americans growing number of debts more than anything. If people do not under