During the process of posting daily summations of the news, I found a lot of things locally and nationally that I was not aware of. Some of these things include: California being in a drought, and an educator sexually abusing a child on YouTube. The San Francisco Chronicle contained an intriguing article called ‘Fighting child slavery by selling lemonade,” that really caught my eye. The article was published on January 28 , 2014 and was written by Edward Guthman. Executing an ordinary activity such as selling lemonade can help save the world. It was an eight-year-old girl that noticed global problems occurring and chose to stand up against it. This family decided to devote their time to stop slavery on May 5th ,2012 when Eric and his wife Alexandra were in Sonoma visiting an art gallery. They noticed an art piece of Mill Valley exposing a heartbreaking image of two boys with large granite slab stopped to their heads. They walked out the gallery disappointed and went home to show their daughter, Vivienne. When Eric Harr was a young boy, he made $9 one day from selling lemonade. Thirty years later, his 8 year old daughter Vivenne set up a lemonade stand in Doc Edgar Park in Fairfax, in Portland, Oregon and did significantly better than he did. Over 173 consecutive days, she managed to receive $101,320 and decided to raise the money to stop child slavery. The family created a corporation, “Make a Stand Lemon- Aid” selling organic lemonade at 137 stores. This corporation is expected to raise two million dollars within this year. Make a Stand has committed to giving organizations donations to work towards ending child slavery. Harr mentioned, “Slavery is just so incomprehensible and so inexcusable, and we cant take another breath or live another day until we do something about this issue” (Guthmann Print). To see a young girl and her family’s passion towards changing slavery is very empowering. I chose this article