
Overview of Childhood Development

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The most exciting and important parts of a person’s childhood is movement and music, children benefit from it for many areas of their life. Some benefits are, language development, problem solving, self expression, memory skills, listening, concentration, social skills, motor skills, teamwork, reaching goals, and coordination. Each one of them are all impacted by early music interaction and movement. Child development is the study of how children grow and learn. Child development refers to how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they get older. Development is different than growth (Boyse). It is important to study child development so that people can learn how to best guide their kids in their foster their development. Different techniques can be created for parents to help their children develop mentally and physically. Child development can also allow parents and educators to easily point out issues with a child's ability to learn. Learning to play a musical instrument will help in your child's development for concentration. Everyone has to one day be able to focus on one particular activity for an extended period of time. Developing concentration through music and dance will help them focus their attention on subjects in school. Engaging in music developed great concentration. Children who are able to focus often are able to direct their attention to meet their goal. They are able to concentrate on that one set thing, not to be distracted by other irrelevant things. Now, being able to focus on one thing at a time is very hard, It’s important for children to learn at an earlier age to focus and concentrate on things. Concentration also helps in the development of memory and self-control. Working memory is a learning tool used to learn how things work in the world. People use it to prioritize and relate what is already know to what is learned. When learning to play a musical instrument you have to learn the importance of patience. Patience is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay “Patience is a virtue”, this phrase simply means that you have the ability to wait for something or someone with becoming angry or upset. Patience is a valuable quality to have. It is important for everyone to have patience because not everything revolves around you and your time. “Real life” requires having patience. There are a lot of things that people will have to do in life that may take a while to complete. We all want things to happen when and how we want. Most of the time it just doesn’t work out. The good things in life take time. For many people patience is one of the hardest lessons for them to learn. You, were not made in a day, it took time for you to be fully developed and functional. The city, town, state, country, and county you live in wasn’t built in a day. It took a lot of hard working, skilled, and patient people to play and put things together properly. Even for those people, it took a lot of time a patience to develop the skills that they do have. In order to build something that is fully, correctly functional you must know math, and how to follow instruction thoroughly. When teaching your child or children what some people would call the art of patience it can be very hard because you yourself could run out of patience with them. It’s a hard task. Three keys to patience are, Give Kids Lots of Chances to Practice Waiting, let them find ways to distract themselves. Teach kids as if they can control themselv

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