Both Mountain lion and deer are the grassland animals. Nevertheless, they are two opposite animal in the ecosystem in which mountain lions role as predator and the deer as prey. Mountain lions really need deer as their main prey. Mountain lions prey deer fiercely and powerfully to get a big meal. On the other hand, mountain lions can also control the growth of deer which rapidly increase. Although it is a profitable relationship in the ecosystem but still it is not a harmonious one. However in this poem, Leslie Marmon Silko depicts a place in which mountain lion lay down with deer in faded black stone silently. Literally, this Leslies Marmon Silko’s poem tells about a beautiful of nature. The author uses the first person point of view in this poem. The description of natural setting in this poem is begun by imaging a moment of climbing the black rock mountain and walking along in the beautiful land where she/he was born long time ago. In general, the land is described as a beautiful, pure and cultured place. It is also a place where a mountain lion and deer exist. Although, in the first of the poem the persona shows how beautiful the place is but in the line 16 and 17 the persona notices about something lost from that place. By reading the poem completely and looking to the author’s background which is Laguna Pueblo people (native America in Mexico), it can be assumed that characteristics of the nature in that place refers to a land in Mexico. Thus in this poem, the persona can be seen as Leslie Marmon Silko or Laguna people. By looking carefully, the indentation of lines in this poem also refers to canyon shape which usually exists in Mexico. Leslie begins her poem with a simple way, the first three lines are quite factual and open, something that we can image and feel easily I climb the black rock mountain Stepping from day to day Silently. In the next lines, the persona notices olfactory imagery which is conveyed by phr