
The Importance of Finding Self Respect

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Self-respect is essential to every human being. When a person is born, throughout his life he develops a certain degree of self-respect for himself. No one can teach him self-respect. Self-respect comes from within a person. He has to learn it for himself. Alfred Whitney Griswold put it best when he said, Self respect can not be hunted. It can not be purchased. It is not for sale. It can never be fabricated out of public relations. It comes to us when we are alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places, when we suddenly realize that, knowing the good, we have done it; knowing the beautiful, we have served it; knowing the truth, we have spoken it. (Anand and Kulbir) If a person does not have any self-respect they can not make any decisions for themselves. They will people pushed into situations they either do or don’t want to do. People will also take advantage of them and eventually that person will end up being cheated. In life a person needs to develop a sense of self-respect for themselves in order to make decisions for themselves and be able to survive in this world. To start lets define what exactly self-respect is. According to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary the meaning of self-respect is regard for one's own standing or position. A proper respect for oneself as a human being. Most of the time self-respect has a positive effect on a person but in some cases it can have a negative effect on an individual. For instance when a person keeps putting himself down and always thinks he cannot do something he develops a lower sense of self-respect. Eventually that person will think so low of himself he won’t be able to function in life properly because he will be so depressed all the time. He will also be taken advantage of because he will not have enough respect for himself to say no to someone. He will start believing what he thinks is true even though it is not and often at sometimes hate himself.... To date, there is a large body of studies support the function of self-esteem defend against death anxiety. Conventional studies on the role of self-esteem act as an anxiety buffer to the mortality salience rely on the self-report questionnaire as the measurement tool (Burke et al., 2010). The construct measure by self-report questionnaire is mainly derived from the concept of explicit self-esteem. It is common for the research of TMT using explicit self-esteem indicates the concept of self-esteem and hence to explain their role on mortality salience (Pyszczynski, &ump; Greenberg, 1992).Explicit self-esteem is measured in a conscious

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