Can you imagine engulfing thousands of calories in one sitting while feeling overwhelmed by not being able to stop? Sadly, this is a problem for many thousand Americans. There are many causes and effects for binge eating but there are recovery processes. To begin with, there really is no set definition for binge eating. Matter of fact, researchers were studying this disorder for over ten years before the American Psychiatric Association considered it an illness (Binge Eating Can Have). They didn't consider binge eating an illness because they couldn't measure the disorder. However, a study in 2007 showed that this eating disorder is more prevalent than anorexia or bulimia nervosa (Bulik 9). This study is remarkably shocking. Generally, the public hears more about anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The media shines the spotlight on these two disorders through online blogs, magazines, and reality shows. On the other hand, it is commonly known that binge eating is the indulgence of oversized meals to the point that the individual cannot stop his or herself from eating (Bulik 3). It is difficult to wrap one's mind around this situation. How can someone possibly continue to devour food to the point that they are overly satiated? Usually it takes less than 30 minutes to complete a meal. It's even common to snack throughout the day to keep one's metabolism going. But, binge eating is taking this to an entirely new level. During an episode, binge eating usually lasts around two hours but some may binge throughout the day (Segal and Smith). This disorder is classified under the EDNOS category which stands for "eating disorders not otherwise specified (Bulik 11). Researchers have not yet put binge eating in its own category like anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Probably because there is not a solid classification of this disorder. Binge eating is still being debated in the eating disorder treatment community ("Binge Eating Symptoms ). Furthermore, binge eating affects many, not only themselves. Usually children that have been exposed to verbal abuse, sexual abuse, or have been rewarded by food may develop this eating disorder later in life (Segal and Smith). Typically, what an individual goes through in their childhood affects their adulthood. Such as, being bullied or being raped can cause traumatic damage to one's mentality. Children that have parents that use food as a reward system have a likelier chance to develop binge eating in the future. A study even showed that binge eating occurs in almost 1 in 35 adults in the United States (Bulik 9). Also, 50% of people who have binge eating are either depressed or have been previously (Judd 33). Depression and overi