
Education for Leisure - Carol Ann Duffy

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?Question How does Carol Ann Duffy portray a sinister persona in the poem, “Education for Leisure?" Response The poet, Carol Ann Duffy portrays a malevolent persona in the poem; “Education for Leisure”. Duffy presents a dramatic monologue of an anonymous, the person commits who crimes and violent deeds against living objects due to the boredom the person suffers. The anonymous person represents an evil persona by his belief of playing God. The unnamed believes that he is God, someone who is above and beyond everyone and in this way, he could control everyone and would have the power to kill anyone or give anyone life. He expresses his thoughts by stating his desires; this represents arrogance for his needs as he sets a challenge to everyone. Furthermore the unnamed fulfills his actions of being a “God” and decides to end of the fly life; furthermore telling the reader that the unnamed wants to be controlling and wanted the society to view him in a different way so that to only be above everyone; likewise, this shows that as “God” the unnamed feels no remorse or guilt upon his actions. Furthermore the unnamed squashes “a fly” by his thumb, which indicates to the reader the unnamed brutality murders the fly and not caring how to kills it with but his thumb. The unnamed further in the poem attends his duties of being God therefore putting an end to a goldfish’s life; additionally showing pride for what actions he has done; moreover showing that the anonymous had a need to killed animals as he had felt good. Consequentially, the usage of opinion presented the reader how the anonymous had considered about his crime and how proud he was towards it. Through this, the unnamed is trying control people and wants to be the one above all. In my response I think the unacknowledged is trying to control something and wants to take over everyone’s life. Additionally, the unnamed portrays an ominous persona as he had experienced an ignored past and

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