
Short Story - Lost

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It all began on March 24th, 2010; I was at my sister’s house getting my hair done, but when I came home my whole life changed. My older sister, Cicily and I walked through my front door only to be greeted by my mother screaming and crying frantically throwing my father’s stuff around the house. I saw cut up hats on the kitchen floor, broken wedding dishes on the kitchen counters and table, also, my father’s office was torn to pieces; there were papers everywhere, the computer desk had been knocked over, and the lamp was broken, shredded into pieces. My father was not home at the time, Cicily; whom was 32 years of age, was talking to Mom trying to calm her down. I was only 14 years old, I didn’t understand what was going on when my mom told me that I had to leave for a couple of days while things got settled. She handed me a pink and black suitcase with all my toiletries, clothes, my favorite bear, my favorite snacks, and the blanket I always slept with as a baby. She then said to me, “Baby girl, you have to go Mr. Chris’s house for a couple of days.” Mr. Chris is a friend of the family. I looked at her with confusion on my face, held my teddy bear close, looked up at her face full of tears as I walked out of the door. Mr. Chris was standing outside waiting for me. He said to me, “None of it is your fault, your mom just doesn’t want you to see what is about to happen, because you aren’t ready.” As soon as he said that, I knew something wasn’t right; Immediately I saw my dad pull up in his big black GMC truck, but before I could reach for the door handle, Mr. Chris pulled off. I began to cry and cry, I didn’t even know what was going on. When I arrived at Mr. Chris’s house, his daughter, Desmond whom is also my best friend looked at me along with all his other kids; Janie, Autumn, Jacob, Jonathan, Spencer, Sydney, and little Ethan; also Mrs. Vanessa, his wife. All Mrs. Vanessa could do was hug me and let me cry in her arms; it’s like she knew I was hurt even though I didn’t know what was happening. After I stopped crying, Desmond came running to me and said, “Sha, I set up a nice bed for you next to mine. Let me know if you need anything, because I am here for you.” All I could do was sit on the couch and stare at the wall. I heard the door open and followed by my Dad’s uneasy voice. Jacob, Jonathan, and Spencer went outside then c

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