Throughout my whole life my mother would always tell me, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I never understood what she meant, or what she was trying to tell me. But as I have grown older, I know what she was trying to say. Growing up as a child I was always shy and kept to myself. Because of that I didn’t have very many friends. But I will never forget the day where I thought I made a friend. Not only that, but a best friend. It was a sunny, cool, April morning, I was on my way to school, going through my usual routine. As I walked into the school, through the cafeteria and into the gym I felt like all eyes were watching me. I never did like being the center of attention. Looking into the sea of kids, I found my seventh grade class and made my way to the bleachers to wait for the morning bell to ring. But what I didn’t know is there was a surprise, not only for the class, but for me. At the very top of those purple painted bleachers, in a corner, sat a girl I had never seen before. She had long, brown, wavy hair, green eyes, and she was wearing a blue shirt with sparkles all over it. She looked secluded from the rest of the people and seemed shy, just like me. Suddenly, the bell rang, dismissing all the kids from the gym to go to their class rooms. I tried to find the girl I had seen, but she disappeared into the crowd with everybody else. As I was walking down the hallway, I wondered who the girl was, and where she was going. I turned the corner, walked through the door to my class room and I saw her sitting there, her chair right next to mine. At first I was nervous to go sit down because I didn’t think she would like me. But when I finally got the nerve to go to my chair, she smiled at me. When our teacher, Mr. Smith, finally came into the room, he said in a very excited voice, “Class, we have a new student, her name is Kelsey,” and pointed to the girl sitting next to me. Kelsey and I quickly became close to each other. We were even best f