
The Use of Juxtaposition in Literature

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People often use juxtaposition in their everyday language without knowing it. Juxtaposition, as described in the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is defined as “The act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side.” When using juxtaposition, it is often to highlight the distinction or the contrast between two characters, object or thoughts. In the short story “The Threshold” by Amy Frazier, the author uses numerous examples of juxtaposition used to create suspense and develop character. There are several examples of juxtaposition used to create suspense in the story. The first example occurs in the story when, Vanessa awakens from unconsciousness and hears, “Claps of thunder pealed in the nearby distance, followed shortly by bright steaks of lightning, penetrating the dark ominous sky.” This quote contrasts two opposite objects, in the form of creating suspense. The author compares “bright streaks of lightning” to “the dark, ominous sky,” in order to emphasize the struggle and impending doom coming up ahead in Vanessa’s life. When Vanessa awakens from a stage of unconsciousness, she finds herself in need of emergency medical attention, and with a dilemma, of no form of communication and no one else to help her but her eighteen-month-old son. Another example of juxtaposition used to create suspense in the story, is when Vanessa walks “The ten paces to the phone felt more like ten yards of a football field.” The author uses this quote to emphasize the way Vanessa feels when pacing towards the phone with every inch of life she has left in her. The juxtaposition in this quote is used to contrast the ten steps to the phone, to the ten yards of a football field. Although, Vanessa was only a few steps away from a nearby phone to call for help, she felt as if those ten paces were the most eternal steps of her life. The author uses these examples of juxtaposition to keep the reader interested and asking questi

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