
Redemption by John Gardner

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Life is a journey involving many challenges and struggles. Often, incidents occur which shatter the very perceptions and boundaries an individual stands by. Human nature encourages recovery and adaptation, each individual must learn how to deal with a challenging situation in an appropriate manner. The character Jack Hawthorne in the novel from Redemption struggles to re-create a sense of balance and meaning in his life after a life-changing experience. His attempt to restore certainty to his life is manifested through his gifts and passion for music, merely one possible creative outlet for pain. However, each individual must discover his own method of coping: his own unique form of expression to return a sense of normality and sanity to life. There are many way in which an individual’s wold can be crushed or seemingly obliterated. It could be a gradual decline, a recession into psychological torment, or one surreal and drastic event that changes an individual’s life forever. Such an event can shatter the perception one has about life. This is what happened to Jack in the story excerpt from redemption. In an unpredictable accident, Jack ran over his younger brother with a farming implement and killed him. This terrible tragedy caused Jack’s entire world to dome crashing down on him with deep suffering and pain. His perception about himself were greatly severed, as he inflected a lot of mental punishment upon himself. “He was incapable of love, he told himself, striking the steering wheel. He was inherently bad, a spiritual defective. He was evil” – quoted from redemption by John Gardener. This self-punishment can damage a person permanently. He knew he needed help to get out of his figurative hell and save him from this torment. Alternative escapes are sometimes the only way one can escape from such a tragedy. Jack found passion in music, playing the French horn. Music become his scape; the only way to mute the suffering

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