George W. Bush, after the 9/11 Incident, he stressed that“You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.” Terrorist, in his point of view, is anyone who is against the government and is attempting to create chaos and denying the existing system. In the film of V for Vendetta, the government led by Norsefire regards V as a terrorist, due to his attempts of destroying the Old Bailey and bringing larger populace to be against of the government. Admittedly, V’s attempts bring casualties, but rather he is a freedom fighter for the ends of arousing the conscious of people to fight for freedom, instead of a terrorist who creates chaos as common believes of the government. Before determining whether V is a terrorist, the definition of terrorism needs to be examined. Terrorism refers to “those violent acts that are intended to create fear and are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants” (Martyn, par. 2). Anarchism refers to political philosophy that “advocates stateless societies often defined as self-governed voluntary institutions” and supporters believe that the state “to be undesirable, unnecessary, or harmful”. (Sheehan, 85) In the film V for Vendetta, in the late 2020s, the British government led by the Facist Norsefire Party regards V as a terrorist. V, who always wears Guy Fawks mask and black customs, has destructed the Old Bailey Building and accompanied by fireworks on 5th November. Since the incident, the Norsefire government regards V as a terrorist and puts him as the priority of elimination. V even takes over the British Television Network (BTN) to broadcast and to give a speech to the people over Britain. In his speech, he claims the responsibility of destroying the Old Bailey and “enlists the populace, giving them a one year timbetable”, and urges the populace to rise up against their government and to meet him on the 5th November next year. The government, especially the High Chancellor, Adam Subtler, holds that V is a terrorist, for his attempts of creating chaos and mobilizing the masses to be against of the government. The government regards V as a notable threat, not only to the state, but also to the entire existing system of the country. While the government claims that V is a terrorist, several factors demonstrate that V is not a terrorist. Instead, his ways of thinking, the values imposed by him and his targets of retaliation prove that he is a freedom fighter, but not a terrorist. The government insists that V is a terrorist as his destructive acts bring devastating results, including casualties, the destruction of public buildings and economic losses. “V’s destructive acts are morally ambiguous, and a central theme of the series is the rationalization of atrocities in the nam