Got Milk or Got Insurance? Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and Progressnow Colorado, created an advertisement to educate young people about the benefits of the Affordable Obama Care Act. Unfortunately, the benefits were not very educational but offensive and very sexist. The campaign promotes a young woman, who wants to use Obamacare to take care of her birth control so she can have sex with the man next to her in the advertisement. According to University of Colorado, Students are also calling it “sexist and degrading to women” (Bonham, 2013). The ad portrays a younger woman, named Suzie, who is holding a birth control packet, seeming very excited and happy. Next to her is a younger man, named Nate, who has a smirk on his face with his shirt unbuttoned, revealing his chest hair. Next to these two characters is a big text stating “Got Insurance? Let’s get physical.” This grabs the reader’s attention due to the overly large text size, compared to the smaller print underneath it. The smaller text states Suzie saying, “Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers. I got insurance.” Does having insurance make it okay for young women to degrade themselves and sleep with strange men? The advertisement is emphatic in supporting this premise. Birth control is not only used for unprotected sex, but why is this advertisement claiming that all young women are promiscuous and disrespectful to their well being? This is very sexist, stereotypical, and debasing of the female character, who for years have been laboring to build equality. It portrays women as objects rather human beings. This advertisement is encouraging all kinds of risky behavior just to get people to sign up. We all have an understanding that yes, younger people do encounter these things, but this is giving a stamp of approval and encouragem