“Human nature” is the distinguishing characteristics that people tend to have naturally, regardless of their culture. Given the chance, a person will always make the right choice. However, it is your cultural surrounding that affects this decision making. If people were to rely on their society less, they would realize that individualism and self-reliance is much better than following others in their community. Nowadays, society determines your “social rank” by how wealthy you are and how many friends you have. This pushes people to depend on their money and belongings which shouldn’t be the case; greed is not good. Escaping society for a while is also an escape from the harsh reality of what communities are like today. Ever since I was little, I have been fascinated by nature. I would beg my parents to take me to our cabin that is in the middle of nowhere. It is on a lake, and while we’re there I wake up every morning to watch the sky turn a hundred different shades of orange as the sun come up. I can’t remember ever feeling as serene as I do watching those sunrises. Only there can I feel myself with nature and all that is uncorrupted by people. Not only did I feel spiritually connected, but I felt as if nature itself was healing me; healing me of all the immorality I have witnessed in my life. There I feel so far away from society that I am at peace and feel safe. Imagine having the ability to feel safe and at peace no matter where you go. People are becoming less and less concerned with each other’s well-being and morality in society is decreasing. The idea of a society that stresses the freedom of individuals from cultural norms, such as having the newest Smartphone or designer clothes, is called cultural liberalism. Living in a society in which there’s no materialistic behavior would be spiritually, physically and emotionally healthier for the human kind. Everything would be left to individual decision, without