Life has whatever meaning you give it. It can mean the world or nothing at all. You only get one chance. They say that “Life is a story and to make yours a best seller.” What does that really mean? In “The Secret Life of Bees,” May who is a sister of the Boatwright’s writes a suicide letter that says, “It’s my time to die, and your time to live. Don’t mess it up.” May was a “Special Person” and she felt as if it were her time to die and relieve the burden she put on her sisters lives. It was their time to live life to the fullest with no regrets. What does living life to the fullest mean to you? In the world there are many factors that limit people from living life to the fullest, for example Society or Religion. Maybe there is a girl that lives in a little town somewhere in this world and there’s a certain activity that she loves to do, but it goes against society or her religion. Sadly, this girl wants to fit in and do good things within her beliefs. In order to do these things she can’t partake in the activities she loves. She’s being limited from living her life to the fullest because she has to choose to either fit in or to do something she loves. In an excerpt in a poem by Abdul Wahab it states, “In heart everyone likes to live no matter in what conditions. This is the quirky charm of life none can deny. Suicide is not normal it is abnormal mental condition. It is forced upon and exceptional, one the beauties of life lie not only on possessions or in physical comforts, beauties of life lie even in thoughts in seeing, in listening, in feeling life produces a mysterious music out of whatever is the flute...” This quote relates back to May’s illness and desire for life. In my own life I have been limited to living my life to a certain degree. If it were completely up to me I would quit school and travel the world and learn about other cultures, but sadly I have to wait until after college becau